Cog Data Privacy Policy

We treat your data like how we'd treat our own

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Data (ADHDD) is extremely sensitive and private in formation. Unfortunately it has a stigma associated with it and some associate assumptions to those with it. In the worst case, this can impact employment opportunities.

ADHDD is probably valuable to some corporations and a quick way to make money, we don’t know, we havent explored this option.

We don’t care, we will not share your data outside of Cog.

If opportunities arise, for example to support research in a specific ADHD treatment, that Cog believes adheres with our values - we’ll talk about it with you and you will have to explicitly opt in.

We won’t share your data without your explicit consent as we wouldn’t want that with our own personal information.

What Data we collect and why?

General Information

When using Cog, you may provide us with your personal data such as your name, email address, gender, date of birth, password or passcode, place of residence and associated location information. This data is used to give access to the app, provide support, fulfill our legal obligations, and enable us to get in touch with you.

Setting up your Cog account and using the app

Information like name, email and passcode allows us to create your individual and unique account.

Getting your opinions & keeping you informed

We may send you surveys, product updates, and offers in order to improve your experience with Cog and support our mission: make ADHD care more effective and available for all.

Health and Well-Being Data

As you use the app, you may choose to log your weight, body temperature, severity of your symptoms, additional health and other well-being activities.

This data is used to provide our services as well as personalise the app and its features to your specific needs and interests. It may also be used for scientific research that we do ourselves including your triggers to your own ADHD.

Providing more accurate insights

Based on the data you log, Cog makes predictions about your future ADHD symptoms. The more data you log, the more accurate predictions you get - a core feature of our app.

Giving more insights thanks to other health & fitness products

If you decide to enable import of your records from smartwatches or other health apps, Cog can further adjust its predictions and offer you more relevant content.

Supporting medical research with aggregated health data

To support ADHD health research run by acclaimed research institutions we may use some de-identified, aggregated data, which cannot be associated to you.

Usage Data

While you use the app, you interact with its various features and functions. This generates data like interactions with app features, frequency of use and usage patterns.

Knowing more about the ways people use the app helps us to identify areas for improvement and eventually better serve your needs.

Constant feature improvements for a better app experience

Knowing how our users interact with Cog helps us identify features that could be improved, adjusted, added or removed.

New language support

Identifying the location on our users helps us prioritise which languages to offer Cog ADHD.

Improved Content Recommendations

Knowing what courses or articles resonate with you (e.g. sleep, nutrition) enables us to show you even more relevant content.

Device Data

Device information includes data like hardware model, information about the operating system and its version, unique device identifiers (e.g. IDFA), and mobile network information.

We use this data to improve the app’s performance, provide support and to promote Cog to potential new users.

Optimising App Performance

Having device and network information helps us optimise Cog, so that it can work on older devices and in areas with bad network coverage.

Provide Quick and Sufficient Support

Having access to information about your device’s operating system can help our support agents resolve issues quickly.

Helping More People Discover Cog

To promote Cog, we may share a limited amount of data with marketing platforms (i.e. your age group, tech identifiers, general location and subscription status) to demonstrate our value and success. This is to attract new customers, a key need for us to operate.

Location Data

Location information includes data like IP address, time zone and information about your mobile service provider. This data helps us to be compliant with national regulations as well as provide our services and maintain the app.

Respecting The Law

We always respect local laws. For example, by EU law, we can’t provide services to anyone below 16. So, knowing your location helps Cog to follow local rules & regulations.

Translating the App

To improve the quality of translations, we may contact people in certain locations and ask their honest opinion about how our text reads in their local language.

Manage your data

Read our FAQs to get detailed information about how we use and protect your personal information and data.

How can I change data I used while signing up (like email address or a password)?

You can edit your email address if it’s not verified and change your password. You can change your password by signing out of your registered account and tapping the “Forgot your password” button on the login screen. You can also edit your email address by emailing to our support team at

How can I manage data related to my health and well-being (like my mood, activities, and symptoms)?

Please email

Can I synchronise Cog with other fitness apps?

Not for the existing Cog Minimum Viable Product (MVP) but potentially in the future.

Can I withdraw my consent from processing my data?

Where we process your personal data with your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time if you want us to stop. For example, you may opt-out of processing your personal data if you don’t want us to reach people like you on various online platforms.

To manage your consent or exercise any of your other rights, contact us any time at